Summer’s Over, It’s Horrible!

Or is it? I’m not one to look forward to shorter days, colder temperatures and gloomy grey skies. I like the heat, sun and would wear a bikini everywhere I could if possible. But lets get real, I live in NJ not LA so the reality is we have a change of seasons and guess what? Change is good! Just like I change up my clients workout programs to keep them in the mode of progress I look at the change of seasons similarly. Here are my five tips for my fellow beach bums to get through the changes and stay happy and healthy!

1) Supplement with Vitamin D, it’s a well known fact that many people in our region of the country are Vitamin D deficient due to lack of exposure to sun. Shorter days can bring on mood changes and whats know as SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder, a condition that causes depression and lethargy that coincides with lack of sunlight. Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin and acts as a hormone in the body and is responsible for keeping your mood stable, provides energy and creates systemic balance. Be sure to check your Vitamin D levels first OR you can stock your fridge with cruciferous greens that contain bioavilable Vitamin D! Just be sure not to over cook them! Broccoli, Spinach, Kale, Bok Choy and Swiss Chard are some of my favorites! Get them at your local farmers market or choose them at your foodstore when they are first delivered for maximum freshness, be sure to eat them within two days of purchase to ensure you maximize nutrient availability!

2) Get outside during the day. Look, I know the joy of sleeping in and I love to any chance I get, however, when the days get shorter I make certain to set an alarm and get outside during the day especially when I’m not working. Its easy to fall into what I call “VampLife” once the sun starts setting early. I’m not and never have been an early riser so I can tell you that waking up late in the fall and then having only a few hours of sunshine is maddening. Open your blinds in the house, let the light in, get your booty out of bed even if you’re tired and get outside. Go for a walk, go get coffee, go to the park and sit on a bench, keep rocking your outdoor workouts! I know my early risers won’t have a problem with that , this tip is geared toward those of you who are more like me 😉

3) Seasons change and so do we. Seasons changing can be a great time to clear your spirit, clean out your closets, release negative energy , let go of whats not working in our lives and reboot the system. It may sound cliche but just like we take out the trash on a regular basis we also need to take out our own mental garbage and clutter. If you don’t have mental space and clarity of mind I can tell you that you’re less like to succeed on a fitness program or reach peak performance in any endeavor. IT ALL STARTS UPSTAIRS. Fitness and success start with what you believe because as humans we ACT in the direction of our belief systems. If you’re bummed out about not being able to spend the weekend at the beach try this; Take an area of your life thats a bit unorganized and devote at set amount of time to organizing it. Watch the way you feel before and then after you complete your task. I know when I attend to the things in my life that I’ve been procrastinating about getting done I feel an instant surge of energy and accomplishment!

4) Shift your energy. Instead of being sad, get glad! Life is short and sometimes we just need to get a grip! We can think about what we can’t do , don’t have or what used to be and get stuck in the past OR we can embrace change and move forward! Change of seasons means that there are new events and activities to try, holidays to get excited for, trips to plan and goals to get! The idea here is to never forget you have options and to avoid the mindset of lack, impatience and complaint. Are we perfect? Hell no. Do we always get it right? No. But to get moving in a more positive direction, if you feel yourself going to the dark side, SHIFT gear into the lighter side of any given situation. not always easy but ultimately it’s your choice that makes the difference and creates the shift.

5) Get centered. Dissatisfaction is a signal that we need to address something (often within ourselves). If we are uncomfortable with change, if the seasonal shift bums your mood, or you just feel down around the holidays, its time to take note. Literally take notes! Grab a pen and some paper and find some time for yourself, by yourself . Make a list of what you’re feeling and see what comes up for you. Self-reflection goes a long way. Change starts within and is inevitable, not always easy to embrace and not as simple as putting on a sweater however, it ALWAYS worth the effort if we take the time to NOTICE whats happening inside us and act consciously in words, thoughts and actions.