When is the time right

Today I wanted to address the idea of accountability. I’m known for teaching motivational classes where you are going to work hard and sweat but when it comes to a session I want to leave people with something to think about and take away more than just perspiration.

My thoughts today center around our will (ideas) vs. our work (actions). This mantra or simple statement is a call to question “Am I putting in the work for what I will (my ideas) in my mind. We all have thoughts about what we will do. I will go to the gym… I will quit smoking/drinking, I will be kinder to myself and others, I will take better care of myself, etc. The question is what are you doing to work towards what you will… What steps are you taking today?

How are you holding yourself accountable? With this post I want to bring attention to the fact that we can’t just pay lip service to our goals. We can say we want change, but change takes effort, it takes energy, it takes WORK. Anything worth having is worth WORKING for. Don’t forget that!

— Dani

Today I Begin.

Here were are, more than halfway through the month of January and 2018 is on fire! Your goals are set, you’re committed and confidently moving forward. That’s a beautiful thing! However, with the hype around resolutions, change, goals and an incessant desire to better ourselves, theres something more subtle I want to focus on.

Keep it moving !

The word is TRANSITION

Hats off to anyone fully committed to their goal. That said, life loves to throw us challenges,those lovely things things we don’t expect and that can at first seem insurmountable, but can provide us an opportunity to expand and grow. Salute to those of you who don’t know what your goals are,  thats all good too.

Look around. If your eyes are open you see natural disasters, illness, injury, loss; challenges that don’t just occur in the gym.  These challenges often create stress, anxiety, frustration and fear. Sure we all want to focus on our greatest moments and triumphs, especially at the beginning of a new year. Underneath that though, we are all human, and not everything is going according to plan 100% of the time.

No one’s life is perfect. Health and wellness isn’t about being perfect. Sure we set goals and do our best to meet them but lets not lose sight of what it means to be human. In the midst of our lives transitions and changes will occur that will influence our decisions and sometimes seem to thwart our ambitions to move forward. The key is to keep it moving.  I think talking about this now, in January is super important because we still have an entire year ahead. Its easy to start something at the beginning. But what about starting in the middle or just plain starting over?

I remember something my Father said once. He told me, “wake up each morning and tell your yourself- ‘today I begin’”. It’s something that has never left me and that I use as a mantra and often share with my clients and students. Three simple words filled with possibility. When you begin something you don’t really know where you will end up. And keeping a sense of adventure as you move through your life is important. We watch reality television and tune into other people’s lives but I wonder why more people don’t have a sense of intrigue when it comes to their own life? I WANT to feel excited about what I am doing and hope that even at stressful times I can move through life with grace. I won’t always get it right, but that’s okay. There’s a lot to learn in the unevenness of walking through this journey.

Losing weight, getting to the gym, eating well, changing our lives, coping with with things we can’t control. Don’t we ALL want to attack each goal with an outcome of success? Sure. But in reality, we all don’t get a trophy. Pause. Think about how hard it is to lose weight AND keep it off. I know how hard it is because I help people do it. How hard it is to get the job you love or be promoted? Or find the right partner and be in a relationship? How hard is it to raise a child? ALL OF THESE are goals, and each one can provide a potential setback. How you find your way through the setbacks throughout this year is where the real GOLD is at. Its in the unexpected where we learn the art of SHIFTING and going with the flow.

What your goal is on January 1 can be completely different by months end. Where you find yourself July 1 can be a world away from where you are today.

So yes, set goals. Make them bold, realistic, attainable but also make ROOM for the unexpected because I can tell you from experience, one thing you can ALWAYS count on is change.




A Cycling Class that Delivers- Prime Cycle Hoboken

This past weekend Prime Cycle hosted an outdoor block party on the Hoboken waterfront. It was an awesome day of music, exercise, inspiration and plenty of good vibes!  If you haven’t been into class with me yet, and need an inspiring, fun and motivational boost to your cardio routine I HIGHLY recommend trying a class out!  Prime Cycle studio is located in Hoboken next to Path at 70 Hudson Street. This makes it convenient to reach from New York City, Newark and Jersey City. I teach Mon 6:30 &7:30p Wed 5:30& 6:30p  First time riders are complementary on Wednesday 5:30P Visit http://www.primecycle.com to schedule a ride in one of my classes!


MY 6 tips for Finding your FIERCE again or locating it for the first time 🙂

1)MIND OVER MATTER. Get into the right mindset because being FIT and FIERCE starts upstairs, in your brain. What we think about we bring about! Keep those good vibes and positive flowing and if you cant generate them on your own, find a studio where you can get your group fitness on and be in the company of others who are looking to vibe on a higher level.
2)Music IS the ANSWER. Seriously folks. Turn up the volume to your favorite tunes and vibe out to your favorite jams. Music is a mood lifter! Tune in on your favorite instructors playlists (you can follow me here https://open.spotify.com/user/1214798123) or follow your favorite artists for inspiration. Better yet, make your own playlist for your next workout and turn up the intensity for yourself! 🙂
3)NO FEAR, NO FAIL… If you haven’t been in the studio , gym or at your practice lately its  ?OK. Return with a beginners mind and give yourself a break. While you’re getting back into your routine focus on posture, form and using your breath with your movements. Get back to the basics and take the pressure off yourself. There’s never anything wrong with beginning again, think of it as an opportunity to reunite and unify your body, mind and spirit.
4)BOOK A CLASS If you’re having trouble getting off your A$$ my best advice is to a group class in your local area ASAP. You will not only have someone to motivate you, you will also find others who are there for the same reason, and make connections. Its a win-win situation!
5)HIRE A PROFESSIONAL. Let someone else take over, seriously. Find a fitness pro in your area who is certified, recommended and experienced who can program design for you. All you need to do is show up and LISTEN. The best way to learn how to exercise and execute movements correctly is from someone who has the experience and knowledge to show you how. Put down the magazines, stop obsessing over fads or listening to friends who claim to know it all. Get together with a professional who can tailor a program to meet your individual needs and cut the fat!
6)DIG a LITTLE DEEPER. Seriously. Nothing is worse than being the roadblock to your own success. Sometimes we don’t even realize that we are our own problem. Take a step back and break away- from the news, from family, friends, social media, everyone’s opinions and ask yourself what it is that YOU want the MOST. Create a list of goals and post it where you can see it every day. Then commit to working on those goals daily. Remember the idea here is to create momentum and forward motion!