How do we hold onto the things that matter when our world seems to be falling apart?

I think the answer to that lies in FOCUS and staying present; Moment by moment. That’s easier said then done when life is happening around us but LIFE is never going to conform itself to our will. Its about how we respond that really makes a difference.

I say to my clients all the time that FITNESS and HEALTH start upstairs- In your mind. “What you think about you bring about, so THINK positive!“ Again, easier said than done when life is throwing you curveballs but just like we PRACTICE a sport or practice yoga, running or weight train in the gym, we have to practice positive thinking and maintain our focus in order for our bodies to function at an optimum level.

When we let the things that happen around us take our focus away from ourselves or we give our attention to too many things at once and lose sight of what’s positive in our lives and become scattered, complacent and negative in our outlook, our bodies suffer as a result. When you lose Focus and Intention and become mentally scattered, your body will respond with pain, illness and tension.

This is why, during times of stress or difficulty it’s SO important to PAY ATTENTION to your SELF. Checking in with your feelings, journaling, meditation, and getting back to your passions in life are brilliant ways to reset scattered energy. This can be hard when life pulls you in ten different directions but it takes practice- and nothing worthwhile happens overnight! When we realize that we are in control of how we REACT to the situations that life throws at us, the sooner we can harness our power and inner strength to keep our minds and our bodies POWERFULLY POSITIVE and function at a SUPREME level of HEALTH. However, it is up to you to hit that RESET button when you have a bad day and MOVE forward rather than getting stuck in a hole.

Love AND Peace

Daniela 🙂 🙂 🙂

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